take action to stop abortion

Every abortion kills an innocent human being. A living being's designation to a species is determined not by the stage of development but by the sum total of its biological characteristics. Beginning at conception, every pregnancy involves two or more bodies. It is just, reasonable, and necessary for society to outlaw certain choices. The right to not be killed supersedes the right to not be pregnant. Poverty, rape, disability, or “unwantedness” do not morally justify abortion. The differences between embryos and adults are differences of degree not of kind. Less than 1% of all abortions are performed to save the life of the mother.To be only "personally pro-life" is to not be pro-life at all.If there is uncertainty about when human life begins, the benefit of the doubt should go to preserving life.Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth.Prior to abortion's legalization, 90% of abortions were done by doctors, not by "coat hangers in back alleys." The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion. Abortion is condemnable for the same reasons that slavery and genocide are.Abortion is not a “women's only” issue. Every legal surgical abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves.The right to not be killed supersedes the right to privacy. Abortion disproportionally targets minority babies.Abortion has become a form of gendercide, shrinking the global female population at an alarming rate. 20: Laws concerning abortion have significantly influenced whether women choose to have abortions.

Take Action
Write to representatives and others in government at local, state, and national levels. Be respectful, legible, straightforward, brief, and nondefensive. Enclose attractive pro-life literature. The more personal your letter, the better. Preprinted postcards are not as effective.

Personally phone or set up a meeting with your representatives to share your views on abortion. Groups of three are most effective. If possible include a pro-life doctor or other professional. Be careful how you come across; show them that pro-lifers are intelligent and rational.

Share and circulate, sign petitions for pro-life ballot measures, school board members, and so on.

Run for political office, school board, or precinct chairman. Or stand by other pro-life candidates with your time and money. The only way there will be longterm legal restrictions on abortion is if our state legislatures have a pro-life majority. Churches and pro-life groups should identify and support character-qualified, knowledgeable, and skilled candidates.

Help a bright young pro-lifer through law school. Challenge him or her to set a goal of becoming a judge. The legal and judicial arenas, as well as the medical and political, desperately need intelligent and skilled pro-lifers. Share this site and the shocking videos. Invite your network to watch and take action to save the lives if millions of unborn boys and girls. Stop The Governments Funding of Abortion Ending abortion begins by stopping the government’s bankrolling of abortionists. Recent polling continues to prove that the majority of people are pro-life and favor legal protections for preborn children. Yet, the governments continues to funnel millions of tax dollars to the abortion industry every year.  America’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, received over half a billion dollars of forced taxpayer contributions – that same year, Planned Parenthood destroyed millions preborn lives. Protect the preborn!. Demand that Congress ends the unconscionable taxpayer-funding of the abortion genocide industry.

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Vimeo Abortion is Murder